Parables from the Origin – Blog

Chapter 17


A Unique Experience in Meditation

The Voice of Inspiration says to the Herald: “Write about the experience of Maya as she rose in her meditation towards the Light. Relate the Symbols that she encountered in her meditation, for there is much to be learned from them.”

It is midnight and Maya, a young Indian girl, is sitting in contemplation in a pitch-dark room in a villa. The villa is situated at the top of a cliff, facing the Mediterranean Ocean, on an island off the North African coast. In her meditation, she has reached the moment when the entire Earth has become still. There is no wind, no sound, not even a little ripple in the Ocean. She feels as if her Soul is no longer in her body. In a strange way she can see herself in the distance, sitting in a little boat, looking into the beautiful, dark star-filled sky. She asks herself, Where am I? Why is everything so still? Why is everything so quiet? Why can I not see anything in this darkness save for the beautiful, distant stars in the sky? She looks around herself and wonders why the air is neither hot nor cold. She asks herself, What kind of a place is this?

As Maya sits in meditation in utter silence and stillness, she begins to feel a beautiful experience engulf her, from her body to her mind to her Spirit. She begins to feel very, very light. She feels herself leave the boat and start to float gently in the air. As she drifts away, she sees her little boat merge into the darkness. Now she is floating by herself and there is nothing to carry her in the air like the boat did in the water. As she looks into the sky, the tiny stars continue to twinkle.

A cool breeze begins to blow by her; it gives her a new sense of strength and power. She is free to go wherever she wants. But she wonders, Where is that? She asks herself, Do I have a home? Where do I belong? Why am I alone? What happened to all those beloved ones that were with me once upon a time? She tries hard to remember, but her mind has ceased to function.

In the distance she sees a dull, flickering light that flashes on and off at regular intervals. This light does not sit on the ground; it is high up in the sky, and it looks almost as if it is standing on a mountain. She begins to slowly head towards this light, gliding gently in the cool breeze. As she looks below, she can see the thin pencil of light reflect off the surface of the still water. As she draws closer, she realizes that she is heading towards a Lighthouse. But there are no boats in the Ocean or along the shore. There is no sign of life anywhere. She asks herself, Why is this Lighthouse standing tall, flashing this sharp beam of light into the darkness? What is it doing here? Why am I here? These thoughts repeatedly flash through her mind.

Then she calls out in the darkness, “O Lighthouse, you have drawn me from far away through your flashing light. Had I not seen you, I would have been drifting at this moment in a different direction. Yet you have drawn me here. Tell me, why did you do this?”

The Lighthouse replies, “I have been here for such a long time. In fact, my presence here has become timeless. I flash my light every day and every night, with the hope that I can help guide the travellers in the Ocean towards the safety of the shore. But when the winds blow harshly and the waves come crashing against the rocks, I can rarely guide anyone. Most of the people who travel in the Ocean in the rough sea are so busy protecting themselves from the waves that they are seldom able to see my light. I can see them, but they cannot see me. I can call out to them, but they cannot hear me. I can caution them about what lies ahead, but they can take no heed. Many a time, I have watched with sorrow beautiful people drift away into the deeper and darker Ocean without knowing that they had come so close to the safe shore. My heart cries out for them. What good am I to the traveller if he or she cannot see me?”

Maya looks at this beautiful Lighthouse as she drifts closer to it and says, “How is it possible that today you have been able to draw me to you—to safety?”

The Lighthouse replies, “You see, O Beloved One, you are travelling in total stillness—there is no motion around you. There is no wind. There are no waves. Everything is quiet. In fact, the stillness is so great that you are able to leave your boat and drift freely into the air. It is because of this stillness that you could look out into the distance and notice my light. There was nothing out there to distract you. Therefore my light reached you with great ease and I have guided you to the safe shore, in peace.”

Maya stops drifting and slowly descends onto the ground, at the foot of this special Lighthouse. As she looks up into the sky she sees its light flashing in the darkness. She then says to the Lighthouse, “I thank you for guiding me to the safe shores. From here, I can travel in peace on land until I reach the destination I am travelling to.”

The Lighthouse replies, “O Beloved Maya, it is not me you must thank. You must thank yourself, for you created the stillness within and around you. You silenced the winds and the waves, to such a point that you could drift by yourself in the air. You were no longer at any risk in the Ocean, therefore you no longer need me. Maya, it is this silence and the stillness that has shown you so much. Here I am, grateful to have guided you to the shore. Beloved Maya, when I look at you, I see your eyes closed. Yet I know that you see me and you see everything around you. When you open your eyes you will remember the flashing light of the Lighthouse, which will always be there to guide you.

“O Beloved Maya, I am the Lighthouse that resides within you. I am always with you and I seek to guide you at all times. You stand at my feet now—our feet are together! Your face looks into my light. I am flashing this guiding light in your forehead. Your eyes are closed, but you can clearly see me because your mind has become totally still. Now I do not need to flash any more, for I do not need to attract your attention. You have seen me and I have guided you. Now I will shine continuously within you. I will guide you at all times. But remember, when your thoughts create turmoil in your mind, the waves will rage again and you will see me no more. I will have to flash again and hope that when you are able to create stillness within you, you will be able to recognize me again.”

The Lighthouse continues, “Maya, you have now seen the guiding light that has been and will be with you all your life. When you awake and look around you, all you will remember is your wonderful encounter with the Lighthouse. You have risen in meditation to the level of stillness that has allowed you to recognize so much. Remember, Maya, the Lighthouse that you see before you is no ordinary Symbol. It represents a beautiful start for you in your search for the Light of the Origin. Follow this Light and seek to come close to It. Remember, stillness is essential. Silence your mind and your surroundings. Then you can drift to the greatest heights of Knowledge. Make peace with yourself, O Beloved Maya, for you can then become a Lighthouse to all those around you. . . .”

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  • admin
    March 19, 2010 | Permalink |

    Hello everyone!
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    Love and Light,
    The Empowered Living Foundation Team!

  • June 8, 2010 | Permalink |

    Interesting and informative. But will you write about this one more?

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