By Amyn S.Dahya
Mentor of Inner Excellence
A Simple and Universal Approach
Meditation is a simple process involving the use of Focused Thought, to integrate the body, mind and self. The word “Self” is often referred to as the Spirit, Soul or Life Energy/Force, depending on one’s belief. In this brief description, I would like to explain meditation in basic terms and to share simple techniques that can be used by anyone, in full accordance with his or her religious, cultural, scientific and intellectual beliefs.
It is important to note that the Meditation for Climate Correction can be undertaken using whatever meditation techniques one may have learned and is accustomed to practicing. However, for those who may be less familiar with the process and techniques of meditation, I would like to share a simple method, called the Life-Link Meditation, which can also be practiced in accordance with one’s personal beliefs. Those that know and practice meditation can seek to use Life-Link to grow further; and those that may not have had much exposure to meditation can use Life-Link to shift towards a new and enriching realm of learning and personal growth – materially, emotionally and spiritually.
Being a scientist, I believe in logic, and the Life-Link Technique that I wish to propose to you is based on simple logic, and experience of teaching meditation globally for self-healing and personal development over the past fifteen years. Please take some time to reflect on the following sections, which I hope you may find useful.
Choosing Your Own “Link Thought”
The choice of Focused Thought is very important and personal. Since we are seeking to bring together the body, mind and self in meditation, it is helpful to focus our thought on the common element that exists in all these three aspects of our being. From a scientific, cultural and religious perspective, Life Energy, or Life Force, or the Spirit/Soul is considered to be the common element that ties together the elements of our being. When Life Energy, which is highly intelligent, is present, our body functions, and our mind is able to create and emit thoughts; our being is complete. As soon as this Life Energy is gone, we cease to exist in physical form.
Imagine a patient in intensive care, who has had a heart attack. The doctors are desperately trying to resuscitate his heart. At 10.59 pm, he is alive. All metabolic functions are present. Then, one minute later, at 11 pm, everything stops. He is pronounced dead. What did he have at 10.59 pm, which is no longer present at 11 pm? This is what we call Life Energy, which is a universal term. However, depending on one’s beliefs, one may say the Spirit, or Soul has departed. In this explanation of meditation, I propose to use the word, Life Energy, but each reader can replace this term with a name that is congruent with his or her personal beliefs.
A number of schools of scientific and intellectual thought consider Life Energy as infinitely intelligent. It has the powers to create and sustain everything in the universes. Life Energy flows within us, and is present all around us: in every atom, in what we see and what we don’t see. Let us consider that all Life Energy comes from a Source that binds us all together as one Humanity or Creation. In a universal context, we can call this Source, Oneness, the Creator, or the Origin. However, depending on one’s beliefs, one may call the Source: God, Allah, Krishna, Om, Jesus, Universe, Nature, and use many other similar references. The choice of the name we adopt, for our Focused Thought is very important, as we must believe completely, that this name represents the Source of our Life Energy; our Creator; the very Definition of our Being.
Hence, this name connects all the three key elements of our being – the body, mind and self. To explain meditation, I propose to use the name Oneness, as it is universal. However, the reader can replace this name with whatever he or she chooses. Many teachers of meditation give their students a word that can be used for Focused Thought, which is often referred to as the Mantra. We call this word, the Link Thought and suggest you choose the Link Thought you are most comfortable with, as it is a very personal matter. Please take some time to select your Link Thought carefully.
Direction of Focus
There are two principal ways to meditate and most teachings from different cultures and religions around the world generally fit into these two classifications. The first, which we refer to as “Narrowing Focus” involves bringing your thoughts down to one singular thought, the Link Thought, and placing it before your eyes, typically in the centre of your forehead. Hence, for example, if your chosen Link Thought is Universe or God, then the Narrowing Focus method encourages you to use your mind to bring the Universe or God to one single point, before your eyes (centre of your forehead). This can be difficult to achieve and requires a lot of effort, because you are trying to bring the infinite down to one singular point. Many students and practitioners of meditation have mentioned to me, that they often suffer from headaches as a result of the struggle to sustain such a Focused Thought. At the end of the meditation, some often feel a sense of disappointment because of their inability to achieve focus and the inner connection they were seeking. This is a comment I have heard frequently. However, there are also some people that have been able to successfully overcome these challenges, and I cannot help but admire them.
The second method, which is diametrically opposite to the first, I refer to as “Life-Link Focus”, which involves taking the Focused Thought of Universe or God, for example, outwards and into the universe. This is an effortless task as you are flowing into the Universe or God, rather than trying to bring the infinite before you. Of course, one may enquire, how this can be achieved?
The Life-Link Meditation
The Life-Link Technique, I invite you experience, provides a simple way of placing your Link Thought inwards, outwards and into the universe. The specific steps are described below.
Preparing the Body and Mind
The process of preparation is very important in order to achieve satisfaction and fulfilment from meditation. We need to condition our body through respiration and relaxation, and mind through creation of stillness, in order to engage with the Self. The key steps are as follows:
The Invocation Step
- 1. The Invocation Step calls upon the body and mind to prepare for the objective you have set: Meditation.
- 2. The Invocation Step commences a mental, emotional, and physical invocation, which prepares you for meditation. You can perform this as you walk in a silent, tranquil area, or if walking is not convenient at the time, you may stand still in one place, and go through the process described below.
- 3. Repeat slowly in your mind, “Prepare for Meditation…” As you repeat these words, focus your mind on the fact that you aim to be fully prepared for your meditation. You can do this for say, 1-2 minutes, or for as long as you wish. After setting your objective (the Objective Phase), which is, “Prepare for Meditation…”, you can now move to the next part, called the Inner Wish Phase.
- 4. The Inner Wish Phase involves placing your core wish in your body and mind, which is, “I wish to connect with my Self…” For the next 2-3 minutes, as you keep walking, repeat your wish slowly in your mind and focus with a strong sense of commitment, on its meaning: “I wish to connect with my Self…” You may stay in this phase for as long as you wish.
The Release Step
- 5. Once you have completed the Invocation Step, seat yourself in a position of complete bodily comfort. This is important so as to avoid being distracted by any physical discomfort.
- 6. You may now proceed to the Release Step, which involves letting go of built up emotions and toxins in the body. Release of these elements is essential in order to enable creation of Focused Thought, in the absence of physical, mental and emotional distractions. This can be achieved through breathing, as follows:
- 7. Close your eyes and breathe freely. For the first 2-3 minutes, breathe in deep and then breathe out as far as you possibly can…vacating your lungs completely. With each inhalation, silently say the word, “Prepare” in your mind. Do the same for each exhalation…say the word, “Prepare”, in your mind. Up to twenty breaths should be sufficient. Do not try to count your breaths, as it is unimportant and can be distracting.
- 8. Then, for the next 2-3 minutes (say 20 breaths), breathe in, but not deeply. Say the word, “Prepare” in your mind as you inhale. Then, breathe out as far as you can, vacating your lungs and letting go of all accumulations in your system. Repeat the word, “Prepare”, each time you exhale. This step, of breathing out more than you breathe in, is very helpful in cleansing our being.
- 9. You should note that we are all accustomed to breathing in deep. We seldom breathe out to the point of vacating our lungs, because it is not a normal part of our breathing cycle. However, the process of maximum exhaling releases accumulated gasses in the lungs, as well as, triggers the inner code of letting go. You may feel a bit uncomfortable when you exhale to the maximum, but you will soon settle down and let it become a part of your rhythm for preparation. Please note that if you are suffering from any lung or health disorders then you must consult your doctor before performing the Release Step.
- 10. With your eyes still closed, you may now relax and breathe freely, as you normally do. Now, it is time to forget about how you are breathing. You are ready and your breathing pattern is no longer an important element in where you are heading next. You are now at the Readiness Level.
The Stillness Step.
Once the body has been prepared via the Invocation and Release Steps, it is time to prepare the mind and help it go completely still. This is called the Stillness Step. Stillness is very important because clarity of thought cannot be achieved when the mind is choppy and full of thoughts. A good example is when you look at the reflection of your face in a pool of water. If the water is choppy and has lots of ripples and waves, you cannot see your reflection. When the water goes completely still, you can see your reflection with complete clarity.
Another example is the floor of the ocean, which is completely still, despite the fact that the surface of the ocean there may be a raging storm, with huge, rough waves. The stillness at the ocean floor has the power to drive the storm and waves at surface. The mind has the same level of power, which comes from stillness.
The pace of our daily material lives is ever increasing, causing loss of clarity, with absence of stillness. I often hear people complain about their minds always racing with thoughts, which prevents them from meditating or falling asleep. This problem is ever-increasing as we suffer from growing distractions and information overload. In essence, we are losing our access to the true powers of our minds, which come from clarity of thought and stillness. We are living at the surface of the stormy ocean, bouncing around like floating vessels out of control, rather than being in the true position of control, which lies at the bottom of the ocean, where there is complete stillness.
The Stillness Step can be carried out as follows:
- With your eyes still closed, continue to be in relaxed mode, and breathe freely.
- Imagine you are trying to see your reflection in a pool of water, whose surface is choppy, with ripples and waves. Take a good look at the choppy water surface.
- Then repeat the word, “Stillness”, slowly in your mind. Break up this word into two parts as you repeat it: “STILL…NESS”. “STILL…NESS”. “STILL…NESS. Imagine yourself slowing down, as you repeat the word, “STILL…NESS”.
- Keep looking at the choppy water surface. As you repeat the word, “STILL…NESS’, the water surface begins to slow down. The waves begin to recede and the ripples begin to become fewer and far between.
- Keep repeating the word, “STILL…NESS”, until the water surface becomes completely still and you can clearly see your face in it. You are now at the Clarity Level, where you can remain for as long as you wish.
- The Stillness Step brings about deep relaxation of the mind, with elimination of the huge background ruckus that comes from your fast and noisy thoughts.
Once you have achieved stillness, you are ready for the Connection Step. Your body is relaxed by now, with all its unhealthy accumulations having been released. Your mind is completely still at the Clarity Level, and you are now ready to make the connection, between your body, mind and self.
Completing your Being: The Connection Step.
The Connection Step is deeply satisfying and empowering. This is where, you connect your body, mind and self through engaging your Life Energy. As I mentioned earlier, the Life-Link Technique enables you to use your power of thought to flow inwards, outwards and into the universe.
It is now time for you to bring forward your Link Thought, which is the name you have chosen for your Source: God, Jesus, Allah, Krishna, Om, Nature, Origin, Universe, I, Oneness, etc. Just as we split the word STILLNESS into two parts, “STILL…NESS”, we need to split the name we have chosen as our Link Thought. So, if you chose the word GOD, it would be “GO…OD”. JESUS would be “JEE…SUS”. ALLAH would be “AL…LAH”. OM would be OHH…MM”. ORIGIN would be “ORR…IGIN”. UNIVERSE would be “UNEE…VERSE”, ONENESS would be “ONE…NESS”, and, so forth. Splitting the name helps create focus in a state of stillness, by creating a passive rhythm that anchors the Link Thought in the body, mind and self. Every cell in your body should reverberate this word, from your head to your toes. This will happen with practice, without your consciously trying to create this experience.
I propose to use the name, “ONE…NESS” as the Link Thought for practising the Connection Step. You may use whatever name you have chosen, and split it as described above. Remember, the rhythm that comes from splitting the word will vary from person to person. Adopt the split and rhythm that works best for you. There are no hard and fast rules.
Remember, by this point in your preparation of the body and mind, you are still repeating the word, “STILL…NESS”. Now, let us move forward make the connection as follows:
- With your eyes still closed, stop repeating the word, “STILL…NESS”.
- Now, imagine you are standing in the middle of a beautiful rose, which has large, healthy petals, of whatever colour you choose to imagine. Look at the petals, which make up your surroundings.
- Now, let each petal carry the name you have chosen as your Link Thought. In my case, it is ‘ONE…NESS”, so I would repeat this word in my mind, very slowly…”ONE…NESS, ONE…NESS, ONE…NESS”.
- As you repeat this deep, Link Thought, you will begin to feel very calm and peaceful. Every petal around you now bears the name, “ONE…NESS” (or whatever name you have chosen). Keep repeating this word slowly in your mind, as the calmness grows within and around you.
- Now, imagine that the petals of the rose begin to slowly and tenderly close around you, as it the flower were embracing you. This continues until the entire rose has closed itself into a bud in a loving embrace; and you are now in the centre of the bud. It is not dark at all. There is a bright, warm loving Light all around you, that emanates from each petal.
- Every petal has the name, “ONE…NESS” and so, you are surrounded by ONENESS. As this beautiful word, comes from within you, it enlightens you from within. As it flows out of you and becomes the illuminated petals, you flow outwards, into the petals, in ONENESS. You are now at the Illumination Level.
- Keep repeating your Link Thought, slowly and continuously as you effortlessly flow into pure Focused Thought…”ONE…NESS”.
- You may stay in this peaceful state for as long as you wish. Do not think of the time, or of anything else. Do not even think about whether you are doing your meditation correctly or not. Just think about, “ONE…NESS’ for you have become, “ONE…NESS”.
The best time to practice the Life-Link Meditation
The Life-Link Meditation can be practiced daily, as frequently as you wish during the day. I find that waking up between 4-5 a.m. to practice my meditation helps me flow freely into Light and Peace, without any distraction. I reach the Illumination Stage effortlessly. At this hour, everything around me is completely quiet and still. The energies of nature are gentle and low. Often, I am able to stay in the state of “ONE…NESS” for 60 to 90 minutes, with no loss of focus or entry of any thoughts in my mind, other than “ONE…NESS”. At the beginning, I could only maintain my focus for two to three minutes but gradually, my capacity to stay in my Link Thought has grown. We can all achieve this with pure desire and discipline.
If waking up in the morning is difficult, you can practice this meditation at night, just before you go to bed. Alternatively, you can take a break of say, ten minutes during the day for your meditation. I also practice the Life-Link meditation a few minutes before an important meeting and it helps clear my mind and create a razor-sharp focus on the subject I have to tackle in my meeting. I use Life-Link as my life tool.
You should be aware that whilst meditating, you might experience different feelings, deep happiness being one of them. Do not focus on the feeling as it may distract you. I also do not advise people to analyse their experiences of meditation after the fact, because sub-consciously, one starts looking for or simulating such experiences during meditation, causing a loss of true focus. Meditation is about being in your Link Thought. Just being, nothing more or nothing less.
The Life-Link Meditation Technique process can help foster personal development and growth, including but not limited to enjoying clarity of thought, making good decisions, being able to see situations from broader angles, overcoming inner conflict through losing the ego and moving away from being self centred, improving personal relationships, gaining compassion for all creation, and becoming open to inspirations of knowledge and guidance from a higher level…the Self.
Closing Summary
From the above explanation, the Life-Link Meditation Technique can be summarised as having the following steps:
- The Invocation Step, which calls upon the Self to prepare the body and mind for meditation. This takes us through the Objective and Inner Wish Phases.
- The Release Step, which enables us to let go of physical, mental and emotional accumulations in our body, to make ourselves light and free, reaching the Readiness Level.
- The Stillness Step, which slows down the mind to a level of complete stillness, enabling us to achieve calmness and clarity, that takes us into the Clarity Level. At this point, we are now ready to move forward towards engaging Focused Thought.
- The Connection Step that enables us to flow inwards and outwards, by using the Link Thought we have chosen.
- The Illumination Level where we remain in the Link Thought for as long as we wish, experiencing peace, calmness, stillness and illumination.
What has been presented above is a preliminary guide to undertake the Life-Link Meditation. It is a great place to get started. Once you have progressed further, you may want to learn more and venture deeper into the process. You can participate in our meditation seminars/workshops or obtain a DVD copy of these events at (, with which you can practice deeper levels of meditation in the comfort of your home.
I wish you success and happiness in your inner journey and personal development, and am happy to answer your questions or help serve as a sounding board at any time.
The Meditation of Climate Correction is very important to foster positive change in the areas of science, technology, arts, politics, sociology, psychology, economics and all aspects of human life that bear the potential to create this change. These aspects are an inherent part of Human Consciousness. We need to work towards creating a SHIFT in Human Consciousness in order to achieve climate correction.
The word SHIFT stands for Shaping Human Intellect for Today/Tomorrow. A SHIFT in Consciousness can be achieved through the use of our power of thought; and meditation is a way of channelling this power towards helping fulfil this important objective.
Part 1 describes how one can prepare for and perform the Life-Link Meditation, up to the Illumination Level, where our greatest potential resides.
Part 2 covers the seeds of thought that we need to plant, while we are in the Illumination Level, to help initiate and foster the necessary change in Human Consciousness. Collective meditation, which can be held in groups or performed individually at a time when many around the world are focusing on the same purpose, helps create Mass Consciousness. History has shown Mass Consciousness and Focused Intention to be the engine of change and it is time for us to draw upon this powerful tool.
One of the key objectives of the Climate Correction Meditation is to create harmony between Nature, the Sun, the Earth and the Human Consciousness. Aligning these important aspects of creation, in a harmonious manner, may help foster a change in our way of life, in a manner that enables preservation and sustainability of our climate and the environment.
How can one perform the Climate Correction Meditation?
This meditation can be done using the Life-Link Technique or whatever meditation technique to which one is accustomed. The key steps are as follows:
- Prepare yourself for meditation either using what you have learned to date, or by drawing upon the Life-Link tools presented in Part 1.
- Rise into the Illumination Level by going through the Invocation, Release, and Connection Steps.
- In the Illumination Level, you are completely immersed in your Link Thought (remember the petals?).
You are now ready to make specific Propositions, which have the ability to flow from you and fertilise the minds and consciousness of people all over the world. Each Proposition is a seed of change.
Your Proposition can be made by repeating certain words, as described below, in the presence of the ONENESS or LIGHT, or whatever word you have chosen for your Link Thought. The word LIGHT is universal and denotes Complete Knowledge or Infinite Intelligence, which is synonymous with our Source, as explained in Part 1. I suggest using the word LIGHT when making some of our Propositions, but you may replace the word LIGHT with whatever word you have chosen as your Link Thought.
The suggested Propositions for the meditation for Climate Correction, which should be made with your eyes closed, whilst you are fully immersed in the Illumination Level, are:
- Slowly repeat the words in your mind: UNITY IN HUMANITY. Repeat these words for say 1 minute, or for as long as you wish.
- Then you can reduce the Proposition to only one word, “UNITY” and keep repeating this word for the next 2-3 minutes or for as long as you wish, as you experience each one of the following visions:
- Vision 1: Think about all the people of the world uniting as one Humanity, letting go of all conflicts and selfish attitudes that prevent us from becoming united.
- Vision 2: Think of all the elements of nature, uniting with humanity; imagine all of us merging and becoming one with the plants, birds, animals, water and the environment.
- Vision 3: Reflect on nature melting into us and visa-versa.
- We have sowed seeds of unity…
- Slowly repeat the words in your mind, PEACE IN THE WORLD, for approximately 1 minute, or for as long as you wish.
- Then you can reduce the Proposition to only one word, “PEACE” and keep repeating this word for the next 2-3 minutes or for as long as you wish, as you experience each one of the following visions:
- Vision 1: Think about peace, tranquillity and calmness in the world, with people living happily and peacefully together.
- Vision 2: Imagine smiling faces of children from all the races in the world; look at each face, one at a time.
- Vision 3: Imagine a calm, peaceful lake, whose pure water is completely still., and yet, in harmony with nature and the environment. Take in the experience and feel the peace and serenity of this vision.
- We have sowed seeds of peace…
- Slowly repeat the words in your mind, LOVE IN HUMANITY, for approximately 1 minute, or for as long as you wish.
- Then you can reduce the Proposition to only one word, “LOVE” and keep repeating this word for the next 2-3 minutes or for as long as you wish, as you experience each one of the following visions:
- Vision 1: Think about love, as something that binds us all together, bringing peace and happiness.
- Vision 2: Think of the love you feel towards your loved ones, and spread it outwards towards all the people of the world, towards nature and the environment.
- Vision 3: Imagine that everything in the world, the earth, the sky the oceans, and all of creation are reverberating with the word LOVE. Take in the experience and feel the love.
- We have sowed seeds of love…
- Slowly repeat the words in your mind: HEAL IN THE NAME OF THE LIGHT. Repeat these words for approximately 1 minute, or for as long as you wish.
- Then you can reduce the Proposition to only one word, “HEAL” and keep repeating this word for the next 2-3 minutes or for as long as you wish, as you experience each one of the following visions:
- Vision 1: Think about all your friends and loved ones that are suffering from illnesses (physical, mental or emotional). Send them your energy of healing.
- Vision 2: Now think of humanity as a whole and send your thoughts of healing out to everyone,
- Vision 3: Think about nature, the plants, birds, animals, rivers, oceans, the sky, the air and every part of creation you can imagine, and send your love and energies of healing to them.. Interestingly enough, the powers of healing that you invoke from your inner self, whilst in the Illumination Level, can also help heal the health challenges that you may be facing.
- Vision 4: Imagine you are standing next to a vast lake of pure water. Send your energies of healing to the water, as you mentally keep repeating the word, “HEAL”.
- We have sowed seeds of healing…
- Slowly repeat the words in your mind: “ABUNDANCE IN THE NAME OF THE LIGHT”. Repeat these words for say 1 minute, or for as long as you wish.
- Then you can reduce the Proposition to only one word, “ABUNDANCE” and keep repeating this word for the next 2-3 minutes or for as long as you wish, as you experience each one of the following visions:
- Vision 1: Imagine a world that is filled with green and luscious trees, overlooking a large pool of clean water, amidst a crisp atmosphere filled with fresh air.
- Vision 2: Imagine people living happily and having access to everything they need.
- Vision 3: Imagine the smiles on the faces of those who were once poverty stricken and hungry.
- Vision 4: Imagine the deserts shrinking, and being replaced with green fields and crystal clear rivers and lakes.
- Vision 5: Send your energies of abundance, everywhere. Give, give and give, from the depth of your soul, with no limits.
- We have sowed seeds of abundance…
- 6. HARMONY: This Proposition has several parts, as it forms the basis of the Climate Correction Meditation.
- Slowly repeat the words HARMONY IN HUMANITY for approximately 1 minute, or for as long as you wish.
- Then you can reduce the Proposition to only one word, “HARMONY” and keep repeating this word for the next 1-2 minutes or for as long as you wish, as you experience each one of the following visions:
- Vision 1: Imagine an orchestra playing beautiful music, with every instrument in complete harmony with all the others. Hear this inspiring music, deep within yourself, as you keep repeating in your mind the word, “HARMONY”.
- Vision 2: Imagine waves of equal size, in the ocean, flowing to the shore, one after another, in complete harmony.
- Slowly repeat the words, “HARMONY WITH THE SUN”, as you experience each one of the following visions:
- Vision 1: Imagine the beautiful, warm rays of the sun, illuminating the earth and everything around you.
- Vision 2: Express gratitude to the sun, for the limitless nourishment it provides.
- Vision 3: Imagine the spinning earth, the globe, illuminated completely with the light of the sun – it is a golden, spinning globe.
- Slowly repeat the words, “HARMONY WITH THE WATER”, as you experience each one of the following visions:
- Vision 1: Imagine a beautiful, crystal clear river, flowing like a golden serpent as the rays of the sun bounce off its pure water.
- Vision 2: Imagine this golden river flowing into a large lake of pure water that is also sparkling with golden sunlight.
- Vision 3: Express gratitude to the water, for the gift of life and nourishment that it provides.
- Vision 4: Imagine that the golden river and lake are surrounded by a forest of rich, green trees, filled with life, with birds flying over the trees, animals drinking from the lake, butterflies gracefully flapping their wings in the air, and swans swimming in the water.
- We have sowed the seeds of harmony, bringing together Nature, the Sun and Water…
- Slowly repeat in your mind the words, “CORRECT THE CLIMATE”. Repeat these words for say 1 minute, or for as long as you wish.
- Then you can reduce the Proposition to only one word, “CORRECTION” and keep repeating this word for the next 2-3 minutes or for as long as you wish, as you experience each one of the following visions:
- Vision 1: Imagine you are looking at the earth from above the North Pole. Look at the ice caps and glaciers and watch them begin to grow larger, slowly covering the entire North Pole. It becomes one, solid, white ice cap that sparkles in the morning sunlight, against a deep blue sky.
- Vision 2: Let your eyes leave the North Pole and go downwards towards the Equator. On the way, look at the deep blue oceans and the rich, green forests.
- Vision 3: Let your eyes leave the Equator and go downwards towards the South Pole. On the way, look at the deep blue oceans and the rich, green forests until you reach the South Pole.
- Vision 4: Imagine you are looking at the earth from above the South Pole. Look at the ice caps and glaciers and watch them begin to grow larger, slowly covering the entire South Pole. It becomes one, solid, white ice cap that sparkles in the morning sunlight, against a deep blue sky.
- We have sowed the seeds of correction, after creating unity, peace, love, healing, abundance and harmony…
8. GRATITUDE: This is the culmination of the Meditation.
- Slowly repeat in your mind the words, “GRATITUDE”. Repeat these words for say 2-3 minutes, or for as long as you wish.
- Remember, you are in the ONENESS, surrounded by illuminated petals of a rose, each one bearing the name, “ONE…NESS”. This beautiful, warm loving Light has filled your being.
- In the presence of this LIGHT, continue to repeat slowly, “GRATITUDE”… “GRATITUDE”… “GRATITUDE”…, for as long as you wish.
Your meditation is now complete. You may open your eyes and sit for a few quiet moments, digesting the energy and peace that you have just experienced. You have sowed seeds of change…for correction of our climate….for restoring the sustainability of the environment….
Congratulations and bless you.