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The arrival to the Anchor of the Sun found each one of us in awe. Our mental images, emotional anticipation and spiritual yearnings fell short of what we were greeted with…To look upon the lagoon where the Sun anchors its nutritive energies for the Earth was the most breathtaking image and sensation. We were in awe, not only of the beauty, but of the tranquillity and the unseen power of this location, where the global meditation for climate correction had to be carried out. Our thoughts rushed to gratitude and joy, coupled with the sense of recognition for the need of this meditation; the thought-journey for climate correction had begun…
The four days preceding the main meditation were filled with mental, spiritual and emotional cleansing in preparation of the big day. We gathered each morning at 6.30 am at the edge of the lagoon, preparing our personal self for a collective meditation. Each day was filled with participants connecting, sharing and bonding. Silent moments, walks and partaking of the lagoons’ healing water had become a routine, with some of us wading in the water, others swimming like dolphins and even kayaking and canoeing.
The silent SHIFT walk took place on September 24th 2009 which began in an aged forest with dense trees leading on to the edge of the water. We focused on: oneness, clarity, healing for the air, water, forests, humanity, Earth and all Creation; gratitude to the Sun, to Nature and the Creator; restoration of Nature, the Climate and all Creation. As we focused on the air, we heard the sounds of an eagle that flew above us for the relevant time frame, and greeted us as it left. Upon focus on the elements of Nature, we experienced some form of response. We felt the sun’s rays shining hard upon us, the breeze of the wind brushing our skin, and a loud increase in the sound of waves on the edge of an otherwise quiet lagoon – the very same sound we heard in our meditations every morning.
We knew we were now prepared for the global meditation for climate correction. On Friday September 25th 2009 we took a boat to the sand banks of One Foot Island, the location of the grand meditation. We sat in a circle with our water bottles and followed Dr Amyn’s voice as he led the meditation for climate correction. Once again, we experienced responses from Nature as before. Many of us felt the presence of the ocean world, of those who were meditating with us from afar and much, much more. The feeling of peace was imminent. As each one of us walked into the water once again to offer thanks and release our intent, we felt a sense of calmness and the connection of oneness that so many teachers speak of today. We all hugged each other, some with smiles, some with tears, some with new knowledge, others with recognition – regardless of the experience, we were in gratitude, in oneness, feeling blessed from within our being. Words can express only so much and I feel humbled as I say that I leave this page void of the depth of the actual experience.
We still await further accounts of individual experiences from those who meditated with us.
Subsequent to the meditation, we noted that the South Pacific Tsunami had a similar signature to the tsunami five years ago, but the impact was significantly lower. A BBC news covered an account of a lady describing hoki. The tsunami hit her while in her car, and then retreated very quickly, leaving her with only minor injuries. A similar story was reiterated by a bus driver at the Rarotongan Hotel in Rarotonga to some of the SHIFT participants who were present during that time. An e-news bulletin read:
New York – Major nations, including South Africa, the United States and China, have thrown their weight behind the UN Summit on Climate Change
So please continue thinking Climate Correction.
In Love and Light,
Karima Dahya
La experiencia de SHIFT Aitutaki
La llegada al Ancla del Sol nos causó a todos una sensación indescriptible. Nuestras ideas preconcebidas, anticipaciones emocionales y anhelos espirituales no se aproximaban a la bienvenida que nos brindó la isla de Aitutaki.
El depositar la mirada sobre la laguna donde el sol ancla sus energías nutritivas para la Tierra fue abrumador. Cada uno de nosotros estábamos como encantados, no sólo por su belleza, sino por la tranquilidad y el poder invisible de este lugar, donde habría que llevar a cabo la meditación para la corrección del cambio climático. Nuestros pensamientos se vieron repletos de gratitud y de júbilo, junto a un reconocimiento de la necesidad de realizar esta meditación; el viaje de pensamientos hacia la corrección climática había comenzado…
Durante los cuatro días previos a la meditación principal, nos dedicamos a la limpieza mental, espiritual y emocional en preparación para el gran día. Cada mañana nos reunimos a las 6.30 en el borde de la laguna, preparando nuestro yo personal para la meditación colectiva. Los días estuvieron llenos de encuentros entre los participantes, compartiendo y haciendo lazos de entendimiento. Hubo muchos momentos en silencio, paseos contemplativos y zambullidos en el agua de la laguna, tan curativa como cristalina.
La caminata SHIFT tuvo lugar en silencio como siempre, el 24 de Septiembre del 2009, comenzando en un viejo bosque y uniéndose con el borde de la laguna turquesa de Aitutaki. Nos concentramos en: gratitud al Sol, a la Naturaleza y al Creador; en la restauración de la Naturaleza, el Clima y toda la Creación. Mientras nuestros pensamientos se concentraron en la sanación del Aire, oímos los sonidos de un águila que voló sobre nosotros durante un largo tramo de nuestra travesía. Mientras nos concentrábamos en todos los elementos de la naturaleza, íbamos experimentando respuestas de diferentes tipos. Sentimos los rayos de sol brillando fuertemente sobre nuestra piel, la caricia del viento fresco y un incremento notable en el sonido de las olas en el borde de la laguna, que solía ser casi inexistente el resto del tiempo. Oímos este sonido durante varias de las meditaciones que hicimos en las mañanas, y la más apreciable de todas las respuestas del agua ocurrió durante la meditación principal.
Estábamos preparados para la meditación global para la corrección climática. El viernes 25, abordamos un barco que nos llevó a as dunas de arena de la preciosa y diminuta isla de One Foot Island, donde se iba a realizar la meditación. Nos sentamos en un círculo con nuestras botellas de agua mineral, y seguimos la voz e instrucciones del doctor Amyn mientras guiaba la meditación para la corrección climática. Muchos de nosotros sentimos la presencia del mundo del océano, de aquellos que meditaron con nosotros, y de quienes se unieron a la meditación desde sus ciudades por todo el mundo. La sensación de paz fue enorme. Mientras cada uno de nosotros caminó hacia el agua tras la meditación para ofrecer gracias y emitir nuestra intención, sentimos una fuerte calma y una conexión de unidad, de la que hablas tantos maestros hoy día. Nos abrazamos entre nosotros, unos con sonrisas, otros con lágrimas, algunos con conocimiento, otros con reconocimiento – independientemente de la experiencia, todos sentimos agradecimiento, en unidad, sintiéndonos bendecidos desde nuestro ser interno. Las palabras pueden expresar sólo tanto, y siento con humildad que dejo este relato vacío de la profundidad que de verdad sentimos aquel día.
Aún nos gustaría mucho recibir relatos de experiencias individuales de aquellos que meditaron con nosotros.
Tras la meditación, comprobamos que el tsunami que azotó la zona 5 días más tarde tuvo causas muy parecidas, y de igual magnitud en la escala richter, que el devastador tsunami de hace 5 años, pero el impacto de este ha sido mucho más bajo. Un documental de la BBC contaba como una mujer describía que el tsunami la había golpeado mientras ella estaba en su coche, y luego se había retirado, dejándola con lesiones mínimas. Una historia similar le contó el conductor del Hotel Raratongan en la lisla de Rarotonga a algunos de los miembros de SHIFT que seguían entonces en la zona. También hubo un periódico electrónico con el siguiente título en el artículo: New York: Naciones principales, incluidas Sur África, Los Estados Unidos y China han puesto su peso tras el encuentro de las Naciones Unidas sobre el cambio climático.
Así que por favor seguid pensando sobre la corrección del Clima!
Luz y Amor,
Karima Dahya
An Account by Rosemary:Light ☼ Colour and meaning Sunlight imparting colour to Aitutaki. Its lagoon – all shades of blue and green from palest aquamarine to turquoise to darkest ultramarine. White sand and breakers on the reef encircling the lagoon, and dark blue sea beyond. Deep green bush, lighter green tropical forest, broken by brightly coloured flowers and creepers. Brilliant orange pawpaw flesh, contrasting with its round, dark seeds. Purple kumara, the local sweet potato. Thick daytime rainbows against the dark grey sky after the meditations, hazy rainbows around the clouded moon at night. Tiny triple circular rainbows seen from the plane over New Zealand. The quintuple rainbow in a dream before coming to Aitutaki. The greyness of New Zealand as it rained. The multitude of colours in the uniforms of Pacific Mini Games participants from 22 nations. |
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Sound ☼ Life The sound of waves surging from the previously calm Aitutaki lagoon as we focussed during the main meditation on ‘restore the water’. Locals sitting outside their beach shack greeting us, ‘Kia Orana,’ meaning ‘may you live long’, during our walking meditation, sharing something of their lives with us after the meditation. Talking, listening and being, renewing old, deep friendships and making new friendships in the Shift group. Chanting, praying and breathing with the New Zealand Sufi group. ‘Breath’ means spirit, life. A Papua New Guinean participant in the Pacific Mini Games telling me that it had always been her dream to come to the Cook Islands. The singer welcoming and farewelling guests arriving and departing at midnight at the international airport. Chatting with the policewoman on security duty at the airport who works 3 pm to 3 am every day; understanding a little of what many Cook Islanders go through to ensure guests are made welcome in their country. A taxi driver giving me news of Cook Islands participants met at an overseas conference 21 years ago. |
Smell ☼ Emotions The warm, friendly, tropical aroma of the ei, the garland of flowers received on arrival at the international airport. The clean pungency of Tasmanian kunzea oil from a colder climate, clearing blocked noses and chests, allowing us to breathe more freely, relax and be more open to the Shift experience. The comforting and nourishing scent of Ziravie oil during Indian head massages.
Taste ☼ Earth Food lovingly prepared by the boatman’s wife from local produce and fruit freshly picked for refreshment during our boat trips around the lagoon and its islands. Coconuts at breakfast each day. Remembering the elements, earth, air, water, light, that form our food.
Touch ☼ Our surroundings The warm Sun, shining directly, unswervingly to the place where it is anchored to the Earth. Sand that we could mould to support our bodies as we sat in meditation. Water that gently caressed and cleansed us as we stood, sat or swam in the lagoon, especially before and after meditation. The different textures of the husk, meat and milk of coconuts. The feel of different leaves, soft, supple, water-filled, tough. Soft yet strong and flexible feather and fragile shell, detached unbroken from its grip to driftwood, both placed in the water during the main meditation, each a reminder of how their creatures move with and have their being in the elements of air, water or earth.
☼ Pulsing out from me as an individual in the group meditation to the group as a whole; to those locally and internationally who supported and made this trip and meditation possible; to a chance-met family who kindly took me from Melbourne airport to my friend’s place, and to others met along the way who were not part of the physical Shift group, but by their presence at this time added a different dimension to my experience; to a friend’s school in India, and to others participating in the Shift meditation in other parts of the world; to those known and unknown all over the world; to known and unknown non-human elements of Creation; across time, past, present and future. ☼ Understanding that I must acknowledge all those who appear during meditation, recognising that they are parts of my Self. Remembering that those who cross my path, however briefly, become a part of my being. ☼ Realising that each of the two parts of my trip, the Cook Islands and New Zealand, would not have been complete without the other, together forming a personal Polynesian and Pacific pilgrimage greater than the sum of its parts. ☼ Receiving a piece of spirit quartz in NZ, signifying ‘group energy’, a tangible reminder of the Shift group meditation in Aitutaki. Being drawn, without knowing its meaning, to ‘Manaia’, the NZ Maori symbol for a guardian and protector, who symbolises ‘baskets of knowledge’, and who also keeps the balance between earth, air and water, so in tune with the climate correction meditation in Aitutaki.
☼ The NZ Maori phrase for ‘world of light’, the paua shell pendant named and given to me by a Maori Sufi healer, to take light and healing to the world: a circle of iridescent pink, purple and gold paua shell, myriads of tiny rainbows in itself, with a shimmering cream shell back like a full moon. ‘Marama’ means ‘light’ and also ‘moon’. Melding this with the flow of the Sun’s energies and light received at Aitutaki through me to others, to bring fullness of Being. ☼