“In the Third Focal Point lies the memory of our planet, where all the knowldege that has manifested on Earth since its beginning has been focused. As civilisations come and go, the planet records all that has happened and all that has been learnt. This information lies within a memory that is not different from the human memory, except that it is permanent. The Third Focal Point is connected to every corner of the planet, through the flow of streams of information that complete this journey in its core. This Focal Point has been the home of some of the oldest civilisations on Earth. It is the cradle within which the human being and other creatures of intelligence have evolved in physical form. The world of the dolphins also vests its knowledge here.
The Third Focal Point lies in the Great Valley that divides our sister continent to the East. It shall be the place of many archeological discoveries by the Twelfth Civilisation. The heart of this Azirah (Focal Point) lies in the sphere of a pyramid, created by Mother Nature, under which flow abundant streams, cool and warm, that complete their journey in the Great Pool from where begins the Great River that feeds the continent towards the North. Underneath this pyramid are rings of knowledge…”
Extract from Dr. Amyn Dahya´s latest book “The Alacanzera Rise Again”
All those who were present at the powerful SHIFT meditations at Lake Elementeita in Kenia, feel free to leave comments below.. using this forum we may be able to organise future gatherings, and ask Dr. Amyn questions where we are seeking guidance.
If you´d like to see some pictures of the past event, and read a bit more about this Focal Point, please click here
We look forward to reading your comments!
Love and Light,
The Empowered Living Foundation Team