Inspirational Quotes


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Quotes for Reflection

I was once asked by a friend how I could measure the value of my life. To this I replied that he and I would both have to look at the world two hundred years from now.

Message to the Reader, Front Matter, page xiii.

Before I was born, I soared freely through the skies; the Beloved with the Lover. I could go wherever I wanted to go, be whatever I wanted to be, feel whatever I wanted to feel … I was “Me.”

The Gotthard Tunnel, Chapter 1, page 3. Learn to ‘Let it Be’.

Do not force the events and the circumstances to meet your desires. That will make you unhappy.

The Mirage, Chapter 3, page 13.

Learn to count the blessings that you have, for they are really yours. And, do not grieve for what you do not have for they are not yours.

The Mirage, Chapter 3, page 14.

No two things can be more “equal” than you and your fellow being. Yet, no two things can be more “different” than you and your fellow being.

Essence, Chapter 4, page 17.

I am your Mother. I give you all and ask for nothing in return but your Love and Respect.

Mother Water: Her Message to the World, Chapter 5, page 19.

Why should anyone be “wrong” in their perception of God? And then, why should anyone be “right” about God? Who can judge between the right and the wrong? God only knows…!

The Sparrow and the Dove, Chapter 6, page 27.

The cactus said to the Prince: It is only the “giver” of life that has the power and right to “take” life.

The Cactus and the Prince, Chapter 7, page 36.

It is said in the Book of the Universe: “Each grain in this world has the name of he or she who is to feed from it.”

Food: The Spiritual Essence of Nature, Chapter 8, page 41.

Each time we eat food, we Bond with Nature.

Food: The Spiritual Essence of Nature, Chapter 8, page 42.

Through a simple meal, a grain of rice from far away, a droplet from a cloud, a part of the Ocean, and even a ray of the Sun reaches every one of our millions of cells! Is this not a Miracle?

Food: The Spiritual Essence of Nature, Chapter 8, page 42.

Little things in life sometimes carry a large meaning. We just tend to be blind to them because of our little self-centred worlds!

The Fruit from the Blessed Tree, Chapter 10, page 50.

Marriage is the Union of two aspects of the same Soul as they are rejoined while in this world.

The Golden Ring, Chapter 11, page 53.

Allowing the mind to make decisions for the heart is like using a ten-foot metal pole instead of a paint brush to produce a painting!

The Golden Ring, Chapter 11, page 55.

In the presence of our Creator, may this Golden Ring bring both of us together in the bond that existed before our birth and that will live well beyond this Life. May we be One for Eternity.

The Golden Ring, Chapter 11, page 60.

A child is not “alive” only when it moves and kicks in the womb. This movement only reflects an evolution of its physical form.

Revelation on Pregnancy, Chapter 13, page 70.

I ask this special question of every woman: Did your life not undergo a permanent change after the first time you made love to a man, through a union of Love?

Revelation on Pregnancy, Chapter 13, page 71.

The woman has the very special spiritual privilege of being a mother. She is special, for the Soul of her child is indeed a part of her very own Soul.

Revelation on Pregnancy, Chapter 13, page 71.

Throughout the ages, humanity has always worshipped the Messenger rather than learned from the Message itself.

The New Land, Chapter 14, page 80.

There are those that are 80 years old and have not climbed the second rung of the staircase to Light. And then, there is this five-year-old who has had Union with Me. Age has nothing to do with it.

The Lost Angel, Chapter 15, page 96.

I have learned to find a great peace in myself. I have learned to be my own best friend. In this, I have found great joy. As I got to know myself, I also realized that I was not truly alone.

The Lonely Boy, Chapter 16, page 100.

A leader always belongs in a league of his own. He is different from everyone. It is indeed this difference that causes others to follow him.

The Lonely Boy, Chapter 16, page 101.

If Dawn is the start of Life, which stands on pillars of trust, then Dusk is the end of Life that must stand on pillars of accomplishment.

The Dawn, Chapter 17, page 105.

Let us lead our lives as if each day were to be our last day in this world. Let us set our priorities accordingly so that we may differentiate between what is important and what is not.

The Dawn, Chapter 17, page 106.

There can be no disappointment in life if you hold no expectations and do not cling to a desired outcome from any event.

The Horse Race: A Story of Human Nature,
Chapter 18, page 108.

When you give more than you take, you Create.

The Story of the Merchants, Chapter 19, page 117.

Human beings have to first rise like the Eagle in their Spirit and then look at the Earth as their domain. Just then, they will realize that they are greater than the Eagle, for their domain is indeed the Universe.

The Eagle, Chapter 20, page 129.

Death is the continuation of that which was interrupted by birth.

Life in this world is but a short stop in the passage of Eternity.

Death, Chapter 21, page 130.

For those of us who are parents that cling too tightly to our children, may we learn to let go, for they have a right to their own destiny. May we learn to accept that it is possible for our children to possess greater wisdom than we do.

The Loss of a Child, Chapter 22, page 143.

Children are like rosebuds, clearly shaped with rings and rings of petals that we can identify, but not see fully.

The Child in the Rose, Chapter 23, page 145.

Sadness and happiness in Life are like the Waves — one follows the other. Make the Waves your friend and you will be happy. Make them your enemy and you will be sad.

The Message of Wisdom: The Journey of Life, Chapter 24, page 152.

The Law of Karma says: Every deed or action will be met by a corresponding reaction from within the Universe.

“Now”: Your Most Beautiful Moment, Chapter 25, page 156.

Life is a series of Crossroads. At each Crossroad, one has to decide whether to turn right, left or to go straight ahead or to go backwards. The selection of the direction determines what Crossroad one will face next.

“Now”: Your Most Beautiful Moment, Chapter 25, page 156.

There is a very, very fine line that separates the Past and the Future, which is the Present or Now.

“Now”: Your Most Beautiful Moment, Chapter 25, page 159.

When you write the word NOW backwards, it reads WON. Capture NOW and your battle will be WON!

“Now”: Your Most Beautiful Moment, Chapter 25, page 161.

May we learn to recognize that the solution to abortion lies in education, at the school and family level. It is not a matter for governments and lawmakers to legislate or pass judgement upon, for the Choices and Consequences are of a very personal nature indeed.

Abortion: Choices and Consequences, Chapter 26, page 170.

The Sun said to the Earth, “The further away from Me you go, the more you will disintegrate within yourself. But, when you turn around and start coming back to Me, you will heal.”

The Origin of the Earth, Chapter 27, page 176.

The Stars are not balls of fire in the sky. They are Aspects of Knowledge in the Universe.

The Stars: Aspects of Knowledge, Chapter 28, page 180.

In the Gardens of the Angels, it is said that the next thing that humanity will be able to do is to transmit Knowledge through thought itself!

The Papyrus Reed, Chapter 31, page 205.

People remind me of the fish that swim in the Ocean of water, but keep jumping out to catch little raindrops.

The Papyrus Reed, Chapter 31, page 206.

Cancer, which is the mutation of cells, is a direct result of this complex interaction and interference that humans have imposed within the process of evolution.

Message to the Scientist — Part 1, Information Flow:
Evolution, Genetics and Energy, Chapter 32, page 212.

In other parts of the Universe there are numerous intelligent life forms that are intellectually equal to or more advanced than dolphins and humans.

Message to the Scientist — Part 1, Information Flow:
Evolution, Genetics and Energy, Chapter 32, page 213.

The immune system was the target of AIDS. The nervous system is the target of the next strain to come.

Message to the Scientist — Part 1, Information Flow:
Evolution, Genetics and Energy, Chapter 32, page 214.

Humanity is going to have to learn much from its counterpart in the Ocean, the dolphin.

Message to the Scientist — Part 1, Information Flow:
Evolution, Genetics and Energy, Chapter 32, page 214.

Humanity’s indulgence in genetic engineering, which is a field that they know very little about, will unleash a change that is well beyond their control.

Message to the Scientist — Part 1, Information Flow:
Evolution, Genetics and Energy, Chapter 32, page 216.

Never assume that because you cannot measure something, it does not exist.

Message to the Scientist — Part 1, Information Flow:
Evolution, Genetics and Energy, Chapter 32, page 217.

The greatest single energy reservoir on Earth is water. You can have engines that use salt water as the fuel and discharge fresh water as emissions.

Message to the Scientist — Part 1, Information Flow:
Evolution, Genetics and Energy, Chapter 32, page 217.

The scientist is merely an explorer who finds elements and aspects of the Creation.

Message to the Scientist — Part 2,
Limitations of Scientific Laws, Chapter 33, page 221.

In Science, there are no Laws. If an explorer follows Laws, his or her discovery will be limited to the boundaries of what the Laws dictate.

Message to the Scientist — Part 2,
Limitations of Scientific Laws, Chapter 33, page 223.

Abandon all Laws of Science and search with openness. That is the true attribute of Science — “openness and humility in the search for the Creation.”

Message to the Scientist — Part 2,
Limitations of Scientific Laws, Chapter 33, page 226.

Look at dolphins. They have a sense of telepathy. They emit Information from within their brains, which is picked up by the recipients. Human beings too can exercise this sense of telepathy.

Message to the Scientist — Part 3, Discovery of New Senses: Telepathy and Powers to Heal, Chapter 34, page 228.

One can heal oneself by pure communication internally at low energy levels.

Message to the Scientist — Part 3, Discovery of New Senses: Telepathy and Powers to Heal, Chapter 34, page 228.

Before taking physical form, each Soul possessed ninety-nine senses. The encagement in the body reduced this to five.

Message to the Scientist — Part 3, Discovery of New Senses: Telepathy and Powers to Heal, Chapter 34, page 229.

You can actually change compounds back into elements and you can alter the elements themselves. There is no such thing as an irreversible reaction!

Message to the Scientist — Part 4,
The Atom, Chapter 35, page 233.

When they say that Jesus Christ (may Peace be upon Him) walked on water, it was true! He used the ‘Information Pulses’ in the lowest energy levels of water to change the surface tension, which enabled Him to actually walk on the water!

Message to the Scientist — Part 4,
The Atom, Chapter 35, page 234.

The classic human failing is the intense desire to draw Boundaries around everything. The Laws of Science, for example, as stipulated by humans, have severely limited the extent to which humanity can make deep and meaningful discoveries of Knowledge.

Message to the Scientist — Part 6, Hints to Find Information
and Limitations of Boundaries, Chapter 37, page 243.

The Boundaries that humans have built around economies have fuelled selfishness, greed, power, false authority and all other factors that are counter-productive to real progress.

Message to the Scientist — Part 6, Hints to Find Information
and Limitations of Boundaries, Chapter 37, page 244.

Remember, at one time we told you that there are twelve dimensions to Science. Humanity is scratching the surface of the first dimension.

Message to the Scientist — Part 6, Hints to Find Information
and Limitations of Boundaries, Chapter 37, page 246.

Remember that no human being can tell you what the right path is. Even clergymen or priests, who often claim to have Knowledge of the right path, are indeed a long ways away from it.

Message to the Scientist — Part 6, Hints to Find Information
and Limitations of Boundaries, Chapter 37, page 247.

Does a clock’s ticking truly represent Time? Time indeed, if you want to give it a definition at all, is a Rate of Change. When you reverse the Motion, then Change occurs in the opposite direction which causes Events to come back!

Message to the Scientist — Part 7,
Time, Chapter 38, page 248/50.

Death is simply a point where your Form ceases to be a part of the Motion and Change.

Message to the Scientist — Part 7,
Time, Chapter 38, page 252.

The process of meditation requires focusing of the mind sharply onto one singular thought. It is very similar to tuning your radio to one channel.

In Search of the Light — Part 1, Steps in the Search for the
Light of the Origin, Chapter 39, page 257.

Our Creation is Continuous and has no Measure, for there is no beginning and no end.

In Search of the Light — Part 1, Steps in the Search for the
Light of the Origin, Chapter 39, page 258.

Everything you see in the material world is comprised of a set of highly organized physical forms that are very Temporary. They are Illusions.

In Search of the Light — Part 2, Life:
The Illusion, Chapter 40, page 263.

Every being has been blessed with a “Third Eye,” which is the Eye of the Real. It lies in the centre of your forehead, where the spiritual energies of your being are focused.

In Search of the Light — Part 2, Life:
The Illusion, Chapter 40, page 264.

The Origin is like the Sun and your Soul is the Ray. You cannot tell them apart.

In Search of the Light — Part 2, Life:
The Illusion, Chapter 40, page 265.

For those that commit suicide, they have deliberately taken away the Form which helps them gain Knowledge. Hence, they come to a full standstill. They cannot take on another physical Form for they have lost their privilege to do so. They are lost eternally.

In Search of the Light — Part 4, The Balance of
Form and Essence, Chapter 42, page 273.

We have sent Our Messengers from age to age to bring Our Creation to the Right Path. They have brought with them Our Messages and this has created many religions. The time now is not for the creation of a new religion, but rather for each human being to dig deep into his or her own religion and practice it from the viewpoint of its Essence.

In Search of the Light — Part 4, The Balance of
Form and Essence, Chapter 42, page 274.

Look into the Message behind each religion after removing the clouds of rituals and traditions. You will find that all religions are equal. They carry the same Universal Message.

In Search of the Light — Part 4, The Balance of
Form and Essence, Chapter 42, page 275.

Stop negatively affecting the Environment through your greed and neglect, and these epidemics (and the worse things that are yet to come) will go away by themselves.

In Search of the Light — Part 4, The Balance of
Form and Essence, Chapter 42, page 276.

Many civilizations have come and gone by rising and destroying themselves. It does not have to be so for this civilization. In fact, this civilization is capable of immense progress if it leads itself in the right way. It must live in Harmony with the rest of Creation (the Environment).

In Search of the Light — Part 4, The Balance of
Form and Essence, Chapter 42, page 276.

If each being could only stop for a moment and seek the reverse of his or her existence, he or she will begin to experience Unification.

In Search of the Light — Part 5,
The Road to Unification, Chapter 43, page 279.

That which is hidden is more visible than that which is not.

In Search of the Light — Part 6,
The Ray, Chapter 44, page 282.

Remember that your body needs its rest through sleep. And yet, some of the most precious gems of Knowledge pass you by as you sleep and you never even knew that they had tenderly knocked on your door!

In Search of the Light — Part 7,
The Secret of Life, Chapter 45, page 289.

From here on, you are no longer you. That is your fulfilment….

The 66 Steps: My Ascension to the Light,
Chapter 46, page 306.

I saw children barely able to cry because they were so weak from malnutrition. Looking into the eyes of their mothers told me what the true meaning of the word “helpless” was.

A Glimpse of Me: A Letter to my Beloved Children,
Chapter 48, page 311.

When you dedicate your life and energies for the betterment of humanity, God is with you. Therefore, you are now in the majority. Even if you were alone in an auditorium with a hundred thousand strangers around you, you would still always be in the majority!

A Glimpse of Me: A Letter to my Beloved Children,
Chapter 48, page 311.

The past is a barometer that helps guide the future.

A Glimpse of Me: A Letter to my Beloved Children,
Chapter 48, page 314.

Life is a Zero Sum Game.

A Glimpse of Me: A Letter to my Beloved Children,
Chapter 48, page 315.

Wealth is like the Ocean. Everyone can drink from it and its level will never fall. But try to put the Ocean in your pocket, and you will surely drown!

A Glimpse of Me: A Letter to my Beloved Children,
Chapter 48, page 316.

Always listen to your Inner Voice. If a relationship, transaction, or situation does not feel right, then do not do it.

A Glimpse of Me: A Letter to my Beloved Children,
Chapter 48, page 316.

Always see life through the eyes of others, rather than your own.

A Glimpse of Me: A Letter to my Beloved Children,
Chapter 48, page 317.

In every deal, there must always be two winners. There must never be any losers. I have never squeezed the last drop out of anyone, for the short-term gain has its price, which will have to be paid in the long run.

A Glimpse of Me: A Letter to my Beloved Children,
Chapter 48, page 318.

Base your decisions and principles in life on Trust. Trust in yourself and trust others.

A Glimpse of Me: A Letter to my Beloved Children,
Chapter 48, page 319.

Like the Holy Prophet Muhammed said, “Trust in God, but tie your camel.”

A Glimpse of Me: A Letter to my Beloved Children,
Chapter 48, page 319.

Always search for Inner Peace within yourself. In this way, you will be at peace with yourself. Then, you will be at peace with others.

A Glimpse of Me: A Letter to my Beloved Children,
Chapter 48, page 319.

Respect your body. Your body is the temple of your Soul.

A Glimpse of Me: A Letter to my Beloved Children,
Chapter 48, page 321.

Your body and its energy are like a bank. When you borrow, you must replace.

A Glimpse of Me: A Letter to my Beloved Children,
Chapter 48, page 321.

Never be afraid to take risks. Remember, nothing ventured is nothing gained! If you do not cast your line in the water, I guarantee you that you will never catch the fish!

A Glimpse of Me: A Letter to my Beloved Children,
Chapter 48, page 323.

Life, my dear children, is just like a quick snapshot. Take the right picture, for this is your chance.

A Glimpse of Me: A Letter to my Beloved Children,
Chapter 48, page 323.

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